Be sure to check also our YouTube Channel: Rabbit Hole

Join the hosts of the show Rafael Ruiz and Karl Baldwin in this adventure where mystery meets science, exploring all kind of topics about our universe, the world, and every day life.

Our intro music was written and performed especially for this podcast by our good friend DeniZ and we thank her for it, we love it and hope you do too!

Your opinion is very important to us and we would like you to get involved in the discussions. You can comment on each episode via the show notes or by sending us an email through our contact form or our social media.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast and join us on our trip – Down The Rabbit Hole.

Latest Episodes

Fail Your Way To Success! – DRH056

Fail Your Way To Success! – DRH056

Episode  056 On this episode… Taking risks is impossible to avoid when trying to getting ahead, how can you become more comfortable with leaping into the unknown? We now live in a world where the idea of a job for life is now a rarity rather than the norm,...

Live Forever or Die Trying – DRH055

Live Forever or Die Trying – DRH055

Episode  055 On this episode… Live forever or die trying it's attributed to either Groucho Marx or a character in Joseph Heller’s book ‘Catch 22’. But who wouldn’t want to live longer? We are bombarded with health and lifestyle messages about how to live healthier...

Phage! Bacteria Killer – DRH054

Phage! Bacteria Killer – DRH054

Episode  054 On this episode… A Bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium. The term is derived from "bacteria" and the Greek: φαγεῖν (phagein), "to devour". Phages replicate within the bacterium following the injection of their genome...

Implants and A.I. – The Perfect Storm – DRH053

Implants and A.I. – The Perfect Storm – DRH053

Episode  053 On this episode… June is always the busiest month of the year in Dark Mind Radio and we usually need to take a break to deal with all the duties we need to do, but the wait is over and after this small break we are back with more episodes of Down the...

How to Rebuild After the Apocalypse – DRH052

How to Rebuild After the Apocalypse – DRH052

Episode  052 On this episode… What would be the steps to take to rebuild after the Apocalypse? You might say, which Apocalypse?, it doesn't matter! Choose you favourite one and then think how would you rebuild. During this show we walkthrough a certain scenario and...

Ditch Your Smartphone, Start Daydreaming – DRH051

Ditch Your Smartphone, Start Daydreaming – DRH051

Episode  051 On this episode… If you can’t seem to resist a scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed during working hours, or if you feel anxious when you can’t check your smartphone or have no signal, you might need a digital intervention. In the last few...

The 15 Steps To Becoming a Modern Human – DRH050

The 15 Steps To Becoming a Modern Human – DRH050

Episode  050 On this episode… Episode 50! Almost 1 year of episodes and we would like to dedicate this special episode to us, humans. Over the course of several million years, apes gradually evolved into humans. During this show we'll go through the 15 steps...

The Spy in Plain Sight – DRH049

The Spy in Plain Sight – DRH049

Episode  049 On this episode… How much damage do you think a simple GIF image can do? Today's episode was inspired by a very surprising and scary news: a GIF that triggered a US journalist’s seizure should be considered a deadly weapon, a Texas grand jury has...

Quantum Woo – DRH048

Quantum Woo – DRH048

Episode  048 On this episode… Some scientists think we already understand what consciousness is, or that it is a mere illusion. But many others feel we have not grasped where consciousness comes from at all. For one thing, the mind seemed, to the great discomfort...